Master of Science in Nursing

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) (Nurse Educator)

The Master of Science in Nursing program prepares advanced practice nurses for thoughtful and productive lives of Christian faith, teaching, scholarship, and service as nurse educators and innovative leaders of the global nursing community. The MSN Nurse Educator program prepares graduates to be leaders, educators, and transformers of healthcare environments. They will be self-aware and positive agents for change, prepared to teach effectively, in clinical and academic settings through the lens of a Christian worldview.

The Nurse Educator program provides registered nurses with the qualifications to teach the next generation of nurses through the application of evidence-based teaching methodologies and technology, innovative curriculum design, and hands-on clinical and teaching practicum experiences. The 34-credit, fully online program is based upon Eastern University’s mission and the MSN Nurse Educator Program Learning Outcomes, as well as the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing (2021) and the National League for Nursing (NLN) Core Competencies for Nurse Educators (2018). 

Students enrolled in the MSN program are required to complete all the foundational level courses beginning with NURS 566 Foundations of Nursing Education followed by:

NURS 554Pathophysiology, Assessment, and Therapeutics I3
NURS 556Pathophysiology, Assessment, and Therapeutics II3
NURS 552Information, Technology & Communication3
NURS 562Population Health: Prevention, Promotion And Policy3
NURS 560Translating Research for Evidence Informed Practice3
NURS 564Foundations of Nursing Leadership3

prior to moving into the professional level courses. Professional level courses include:

NURS 630Innovations in Teaching and Learning3
NURS 632Curriculum Design and Revision3
NURS 634Assessment and Evaluation Strategies in Nursing Education3
NURS 650ACapstone: Part A2
NURS 650BCapstone: Part B2

must be taken sequentially. Professional level courses (except NURS 634 Assessment and Evaluation Strategies in Nursing Education) require a total of 144 practicum hours in addition to coursework as part of course/program requirements.

Master of Science in Nursing Nurse Educator Curriculum

Foundational Level Courses 1
NURS 566Foundations of Nursing Education 23
NURS 554Pathophysiology, Assessment, and Therapeutics I 33
NURS 556Pathophysiology, Assessment, and Therapeutics II3
NURS 552Information, Technology & Communication3
NURS 562Population Health: Prevention, Promotion And Policy3
NURS 560Translating Research for Evidence Informed Practice3
NURS 564Foundations of Nursing Leadership3
Professional Track Courses (Completed sequentially)
NURS 630Innovations in Teaching and Learning 43
NURS 632Curriculum Design and Revision3
NURS 634Assessment and Evaluation Strategies in Nursing Education 53
NURS 650ACapstone: Part A 52
NURS 650BCapstone: Part B2
Total Credit Hours34

All foundational courses must be completed prior to taking the professional level courses.


NURS 566 Foundations of Nursing Education is the Prerequisite for all Foundational courses. 


NURS 554 Pathophysiology, Assessment, and Therapeutics I is the Prerequisite for NURS 556 Pathophysiology, Assessment, and Therapeutics II


NURS 630 Innovations in Teaching and Learning is the prerequisite for all professional level courses.


Taken as Co-Requisites. NURS 650A Capstone: Part A is a prerequisite for NURS 650B Capstone: Part B.