Economics (ECON)

ECON 130  Special Topics  1-3  
ECON 200  Personal Stewardship  3  
ECON 203  Macroeconomics  3  

A study of the economic factors that affect the behavior of consumers and business firms, with particular attention to supply and demand. Problems of competition and monopoly, labor-management relations, agriculture, income distribution, and poverty at home and abroad are discussed.

Core Category: Human Behavior  
ECON 204  Microeconomics  3  

A study of how economic forces and policies affect the working of the economy as a whole. Topics addressed include the determination of national income and output; unemployment and inflation; monetary and fiscal policies' international trade and finance.

ECON 205  Essentials of Economics  3  

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic principles and tools of microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis, emphasizing the importance of economic literacy in being a responsible citizen and addressing key social issues. Students will become familiar with basic characteristics of market economies, the interaction of supply and demand, the role of government in regulating the economy, the concept of elasticity, marginal analysis in production, an overview of market cycles, unemployment, fiscal and monetary policy, the national debt, inflation, fractional-reserve banking and the role of the Federal Reserve System.

ECON 220  Faith and Economic Justice  3  

An examination of the economics of poverty and discrimination set within a holistic, biblical version for empowering the poor. Alternative methods for measuring poverty, and a range of policy options for dealing with poverty and discriminiation in both the U.S. and globally are covered.

ECON 230  Special Topics  1-3  
ECON 230A  Environmental and Ecological Economics  3  

Within the context of Sustainable Development, one cannot address the pressing issues of the global community without understanding the relationship between the economy, as a function of the social world, and ecology, a funtion of the natural world. Further complicating our understanding of development issues is the fact that the economic forces in play today are globalized in the same way that ecological forces work across the planet. This course applies creative research and the application of economic and ecological principles to the problems of sustainable development in a manner that allows the student to garner a deeper respect and appreciation for: 1) our responsibilities toward stewardship of the Lord's gifts; and 2) the moral imperative to harmonize our socio-economic structures with environmental realities.

ECON 230B  Game Theory  3  

This course introduces students to the basic tools of Game Theory and its applications to economics, political science, law, biology, and daily life. Concepts such as dominant strategies, backward induction, and Nash equilibrium are utilized to predict outcomes, solve problems, and maximize social welfare. Students learn to recognize and model strategic situations, and to predict when and how their actions will influence the decisions of others. The course analyzes a range of real world situations including elections, startups, international relations, conflict resolution, environmental conservation, and cartels.

ECON 305  Economic Policy Issues  3  

This course invites students to explore contemporary issues in economics policy through readings, roundtable discussions, and papers. The course begins with a review of economic analysis and then proceeds to selective forays into two contemporary issues in economic policy.

Prerequisites: ECON-203; minimum grade of C  
ECON 315W  Economic Reasoning Seminar  3  

A constructive response to the significant public policy issues of our time calls for both critical discernment and a working knowledge of economic theory. Christians who aspire to be social change agents must be prepared to engage policy makers and other relevant constituencies not only through the eyes of faith but also with a credible understanding of economic realities. The Economic Reasoning Seminar explores critical social and political issues within the conceptual and historical landscape of economic theory and practice. This writing intensive course concludes with a series of seminar discussions--organized around student papers with peer respondents--that highlight the importance of careful economic analysis for public policy reform and realizing the common good.

ECON 321  Financial Institutions & Markets  3  

The theory and practice of commercial and central banking, with attention to the creation of money and other financial instruments, are studied. Problems encountered by both depository institutions and the economic system are analyzed. The course also explores the policies employed by commercial banks and central banks in dealing with these problems. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in ECON 205.

Prerequisites: econ-205; minimum grade C  
ECON 323  Urban Economics  3  

Alternative explanations for the existence and economic growth of urban places are examined. Students learn to evaluate an urban economy and to identify policies that would lead to development at both the city and the individual neighborhood levels. Issues such as suburbanization, zoning, housing markets, crime, education, transportation systems and discrimination are addressed. The Christian approach to urban community development is examined. Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in ECON 204 or by permission of the instructor.

ECON 330  Healthcare Economics  1-3  

This course is designed to enable practicing and prospective nurses to develop and apply the skills of a comprehensive health assessment including physical, developmental, mental, and neurological assessments of school-aged children and youth. Data collection, data interpretation and documentation will be emphasized. Activities are designed to facilitate acquisition of the skills necessary to perform a physical assessment of a child.

ECON 350  Economic Development of Third World Countries  3  

Course includes theories of development and underdevelopment; problems of initiating and sustaining growth; relations between developed and underdeveloped regions; economic reform and change in the developing world; the costs and benefits of globalization. Special attention will be given to ways in which religious institutions contribute to development.

ECON 390  International Economics and Finance  3  

Survey of the theory of international trade, exchange rate movements and balance-of-payment adjustments. Course analyzes modern international economic problems including those created by the single European currency, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and trade restrictions to force human rights. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in ECON 205.

Prerequisites: econ-205; minimum grade C  
ECON 400  Directed Study  1-3  
ECON 480  Development Studies Seminar  3  

Beginning with a historical overview of prominent theories and approaches to development, the course analyzes specific topic areas in development studies (e.g., gender and development, sustainable development, youth and development, conflict and development, human capital formation, microfinance and empowerment, food security, HIV/AIDS and development, social capital and development, the problem of corruption) through the use of readings and case studies. The course concludes with a consideration of "transformational development" as an intentional, holistic methodology for identifying and developing effective development strategies. This course satisfies the College of Arts and Sciences Culminating Senior Experience (CSE) requirement. Prerequisites: ANTH 301, ECON 350, SOCI 409.

Prerequisites: anth-301 econ-350 and soci-409  
ECON 495  Internship  2-12  

Supervised experience and training in a private firm, government agency or financial institution, designed to demonstrate the application of the principles learned in the classroom to actual situations.

ECON 498  Teaching Assistant  1-3  
ECON 512  Managerial Economics  3  

The course entails an integration of principles from various fields of business and economics, with an emphasis on management decision-making and policy formation. It encompasses the integration of theory, methodology and analytical tools for the purpose of making decisions about the allocation of scarce resources in production and service sector organizations. Particular attention is paid to basic economic concepts in the areas of consumer behavior, production and cost, pricing and structure of the economy, environment, industries, and firms.

ECON 513  Economic Development of Developing Countries  3  

The purpose of this course is to develop a better understanding of the macroeconomic problems of developing countries, theories of economic development and methods and techniques needed to resolve problems, promote growth, and meet the needs of developing nations at national and global levels.

ECON 513A  Economic Development of Developing Countries  1  

The purpose of this course is to develop a better understanding of the macroeconomic problems of developing countries, theories of economic development and methods and techniques needed to resolve problems, promote growth, and meet the needs of developing nations at national and global levels. This is the first of two parts.

ECON 513B  Economic Development of Developing Countries  2  

The purpose of this course is to develop a better understanding of the macroeconomic problems of developing countries, theories of economic development and methods and techniques needed to resolve problems, promote growth, and meet the needs of developing nations at national and global levels. This is the second of two parts.

ECON 515  Financial Economics  3  

A survey of accounting, finance, and economics necessary for the financial management of any organization. Students leave this course with a managerial command of these broad subject areas and are equipped to make organizational decisions based on the information received from financial reports and forecasting.

ECON 521  Economics of Social Transformation  3  

This course covers foundational microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts and their practical application for the purpose of social transformation in the context of globalization, interdependence, and rapid technological change. Students will learn how the public, private, and social sectors can interact and integrate to fluidly reconcile traditional economic goals of growth and business profit with increased equity and a more just economy for all. Real world examples of co-productive collaborations among corporations, NGOs, entrepreneurial catalysts, impact investors, and other stakeholders will demonstrate the potential to develop scalable ecosystems that address market failures and deliver shared value to all participants.