Emergency Instructions if Something Occurs at Esperanza College


If you discover a fire or smoke:

  1. Sound the building alarm.
  2. Call 911, Building Manager at (215) 360-7196, and an EC staff member. 1

All other individuals should:

  1. Close windows and leave doors opened and unlocked.
  2. Evacuate the building in accordance with the emergency evacuation plan for the area in which you are located at the time of the alarm.
  3. Proceed to primary staging area—Main Parking Lot on side of building (Bristol Street). 2
  4. Standby for further instructions.

Bomb Threat

If you receive a bomb threat:

  1. Record information (on FBI Data card if available; otherwise on a note paper).
  2. Call 911, Building Manager at (215) 360-7196, and an EC staff member. 1

All other individuals should:

  1. If directed—search the immediate area for suspicious objects (voluntary basis only). If a package is found, do not touch. Call Bomb Squad 9-1-1. Evacuate area.
  2. If evacuation of the building is required, follow the evacuation plan.
  3. Proceed to the primary staging area at the Main Parking Lot.
  4. Standby for further instructions.

Chemical or Biological Threat

If you receive a suspicious package/item containing a powdery substance, has strange odors, stains, or leaks:

  1. Do not handle it.
  2. Isolate the package and cordon off the area closing all doors leading to the area.
  3. If you handled the item, wash exposed skin areas for at least three minutes with soap and water and rinse for one minute.
  4. Notify Building Manager at (215) 360-7196 and an EC staff member.
  5. Avoid all other individuals.
  6. Wait for Hazmat team for possible decontamination procedure.

All other individuals should:

  1. Stay away from the suspected area and from anyone potentially exposed.
  2. If an evacuation is ordered, follow normal evacuation procedures.

Medical Emergency

If you have, or see someone with a medical emergency:

  1. Call 911. 1
  2. Administer first aid or request assistance.
  3. Call an EC staff member.


All individuals should:

  1. Take cover under the table, desk, or in the doorway.
  2. Do not run outdoors.

Severe Weather

All individuals should:

  1. Prepare to move to a place of safety.
  2. Stay away from large windows.
  3. Standby for further instructions.

If you are calling from an Esperanza, Inc. phone, you must dial “9” for an outside line.


In case of evacuation, no beverages, food, or bulky items are to be carried into the stairwells. Under no circumstances should you use the elevator. First Aid Kits are located in the Front Desk of Esperanza College and the kitchen of Esperanza, Inc.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Contact Phone Number
Emergency 9-1-1
Building Manager (215)360-7196
Chemical Facility Tip Line (Report Chemical/Biological Terrorism) (877)394-4347
Poison Control Centers Hotline (800)222-1222

Inclement Weather Closing

In case of bad weather that could potentially result in cancellation of classes, look at the Eastern University Web page and open the EU Quick Links menu in the upper right corner. Click on “School Closing Info” to see whether the Esperanza college campus is closed. Esperanza will send an email announcing the closure of the school, and a message will be posted on the Esperanza, Inc. answering machine at (215) 324-0746. Closing information will also be posted on ECEU’s webpage and social media platforms.

Bulletin Boards

Bulletin boards have been placed in convenient locations within the building. In order for bulletin boards to be a viable communications source, it is critical that notices be current and placed on the appropriate designated bulletin boards and approved by the appropriate office. If you wish to post an item on the bulletin boards, please see the Deans.

Student I.D. Cards

At the beginning of the student’s first semester, students will receive a student identification card. This card provides convenient access to college facilities and activities and enables students to check out materials at the library. It is also intended as a safeguard against abuses by individuals who are not members of the College community. Once students receive their I.D. cards, they must wear them in a visible way on their upper body at all times when they are on the College campus. I.D. Cards can be obtained from the admissions team.