Marketing (MKTG)

MKTG 202  Principles of Marketing  3  

This course introduces the student to the broad field of marketing and activity that aims to develop goods and services to satisfy the needs and desires of customers. Marketing decision-making in for-profit and not- for-profit organizations emphasizes the analysis of customer needs and desires; segmenting of markets; developing product, promotion, price and distribution strategies; and the relationship among consumers, business and government.

Prerequisites: BUSA 101  
MKTG 302  Marketing Research  3  

Analysis of the principal internal and external procedures used in collecting, processing and evaluating both quantitative and qualitative data. Students will also apply research design and management of information for decision-making.

Prerequisites: MKTG 202 and BUSA 221  
MKTG 303  Consumer Behavior  3  

Course examines the relationship between buyer behavior and marketing decision making. Students will develop an awareness of various aspects of consumer motivation and behavior, including social, cultural, psychological, business and environmental influences.

Prerequisites: MKTG-202; MINIMUM GRADE C  
MKTG 305  Principles of Sales Management  3  

Principles underlying the sales process and practical application of these principles to selling institutions. Emphasis on essential qualities, right mental attitudes and necessary emotional control, as well as good selling skills necessary to sell self, services and products.

Prerequisites: MKTG 202 or BUSA 202  
MKTG 403  Digital Marketing  3  

This course is designed to address contemporary issues and interests in Marketing. Such topics as supply chain management, branding, customer relationship management, retailing, and others will be offered in various semesters. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in BUSA 202 and 302.

Prerequisites: MKTG 302  
MKTG 405  Integrated Marketing Communications  3  

This course analyzes the numerous methods used to communicate with customers. Organizations in the private as well as the public sectors understand that the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with their targeted audiences is critical to the long-term success of the organization. Topics such as public relations, selling, and advertising and promotion will be explored. Students will complete the design and implementation of an integrated marketing communication plan.

Prerequisites: MKTG 303 and MKTG 305  
MKTG 540  Customer-Centric Marketing  3  

Peter Drucker maintained that the purpose of business is to create a customer. This course prepares students to understand how customers think and behave so that this mission can be fulfilled. Building on a foundation of consumer behavior, students will learn how to harness market research and data insights to categorize, prioritize, and effectively engage customers. Effective customer engagements that lead to conversion (the creation of a customer) requires relationships and ongoing positive experiences. This course will empower the student to create a holistic customer-centric marketing strategy that delivers measurable growth and proftiability. Students should complete BUSA 565 or have waived it as Advanced Standing before taking marketing concentration courses.

MKTG 560  Brand Management  3  

Building on organizational strategy, marketers must ensure that a clear strategic differentiation exists between their product/service and those offered by competitors. Creating awareness and belief in this differentiated value proposition is the foundation of brand management. Once an effective and relevant differentiation is established, brand marketers have an extensive list of strategies, tactics and tools to establish the brand's position in the minds of target customers. Through lectures and guest speakers, curated content, hands-on exercises, and an interacctive simulation, this course combines brand strategy with brand management execution so that students will develop the skills required to build a powerful, profitable brand. Students should complete BUSA 565 or have waived it as Advanced Standing before taking marketing concentration courses.

MKTG 620  Marketing Campaigns and Digital Content  3  

This course establishes the foundations of an integrated marketing communications (IMC) campaign that achieves business goals with specific emphasis on the new media and digital components of modern marketing. Recognizing that the most powerful marketing investments engage consumers across different communication channels, IMC provides a framework for optimizing each channel of influence and creating a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. As the dominant customer engagement platform, digital marketing will be centered in the course so students understand the integrated nature of search engine/keyword marketing, digital advertising, video, mobile, and content marketing along with how digital elements can integrated with off-line traditional marketing (television, radio, outdoor, event sponsorship, etc.). After completing the course, students will be able to plan and measure a complete IMC marketing plan that emphasizes digital marketing tactics. Students should complete BUSA 565 or have waived it as Advanced Standing before taking marketing concentration courses.

MKTG 640  Global Marketing Channels & Partnerships  3  

Whether they realize it or not, the Internet has turned almost every organization into a global company. How can organizations strategically assess and plan an effective global presence and distribution footprint? How can the right partner relationships expand an organization's offerings to global and local customers? This course will help expand students' minds about what is possible through the amplifying power of marketing channels and partners, including retail/wholesale, value-added services, co-marketing, influencers, and more. Students will learn how to assess potential international partners and marketing strategies, set up a successful partnership arrangement, manage ongoing relationships, and measure their ROI. Students should complete BUSA 565 or have waived it as Advanced Standing before taking marketing concentration courses.