Healthcare Administration (HMGT)

HMGT 230  Special Topics  3  
HMGT 230A  Special Topics: Introduction to Public SpTop: Introduction to Public Health  3  

This course provides a basic but broad-reaching introduction to public health concepts by examining the philosophy, history, functions, and results of public health practice. The history of public health and its five core disciplines: epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy/ health administration, social and behavioral health, and environmental health are explored. Students will understand the multi-disciplinary strategies for measuring, assessing, and promoting public health. Students will engage in discussions of current health trends, emerging health issues, and global practices.

HMGT 526  Healthcare Finance and Economics  3  

A critical review of the areas of finance and the economics they affect in the U.S. Healthcare Industry. This course expands on core finance and economics MBA courses by focusing on the unique applications healthcare professionals need to successfully contribute to their organizations. These include revenue streams, third party payers, planning, pricing, performance measurement, supply, demand, elasticity, public policy, and consumer behavior. Additionally, students consider the ethical and legal ramifications of finance, economics and healthcare. Students are strongly recommended to sucessfully complete BUSA 585 and BUSA 615 prior to HMGT 526.

HMGT 536  Health Information System Management  3  

A comprehensive review of the information technologies, electronic medical records, informative, and techniques used to gather, analyze, and use patient information in the delivery of healthcare services. Students learn the importance of data integrity and its uses in a healthcare organization. Additionally, students evaluate infrastructure, software systems, and technological trends so they can be prepared for future changes in information management service and how these changes will affect patient care.

HMGT 590  Organization and Management of Healt Care Systems  3  

This course introduces the student to the overall key issues, concepts & theories in the management and administration of health care organizations. It is an overview of how health care is organized and delivered in the United States. The course focuses on the distinctive traits of health care delivery, as well as discusses the major issues and challenges that impact cost, quality, and access to health care. It reviews the structure, operation, and current and future directions of the American health care delivery system.

HMGT 596  Healthcare Delivery Systems and Public Health  3  

An analysis of the continuum of care and public health and how health delivery systems are structured, managed, and financed. Gains knowledge of the value chain by evaluating the roles of providers, patients, and payers throught he lens of various delivery systemes such as general hospitals, specialists, long-term care, in-home care etc.

HMGT 601  Emerging Issues in World Health  3  

An exploration of theoretical frameworks and practical perspectives on health needs and concerns from various cultures and countries. Students evaluate the social, political, and environmental structures that shape healthcare delivery around the world. Students leave this course with a global understanding of healthcare systems, and they have the opportunity to evaluate how healthcare delivery could be systematically improved.

HMGT 602  Holistic Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations  3  

This course will consider the health beliefs and practices of various cultural groups living in North America, with emphasis on the United States. Cultural incentives and barriers to wellness and health care will be examined. The provision of Christian service in combination with professional health care to meet the holistic needs of culturally diverse clients is the focus of this course.

HMGT 692  Healthcare Policy  3  

This course focuses on how current health policy as well as future political ideology impacts care in health organizations. It emphases the factors that influence public policy development and surveys the formulation, implementation, and modification stages of the policy process as well as debates the health politics of private interests at both the national and state levels.

HMGT 696  Healthcare Quality, Law, Regulatory Compliance and Policy  3  

A survey of the operational nuances of healthcare administration brought about by the web of regulatory bodies, health care standards, and legal responsibilities. Students leave this course able to evaluate and improve knowledge of healthcare law, quality of care through process improvement, and risk management throught he use of risk assessment tools and protocols; and navigate throught he complex space of regulations, policy, and certifications.