Counseling Psychology (CPSY)

CPSY 564  Personnel Supervision and Management  2  

This course emphasizes the use of behavior analytic strategies and tactics in personnel supervision and management. This course partially fulfulls the 5th and 6th Edition Task List educational requirements for Board Certified Behavior Analysts and/or Licensed Behavior Specialist in Pennsylvania. Thise course requires students to purchase training modules which helps them prepare for the BCBA exam. Students subscribe to the modules and ue them throughout several of their ABA courses.

CPSY 565  Verbal Behavior Assessment  1  

This course emphasizes the ues of behavior analytic strategies and tactics in verbal behavior assessment. This course partially fulfulls the 5th and 6th Edition Task List requirements for Board Certified Behavioral Analysts and/or Licensed Behavior Specialist in Pennsylvania. This course requires students to purchase training modules which helps them prepare for the BCBA Exam. Students subscribe to the modules and use them throughout several of their ABA courses.

CPSY 566  Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis  3  

This course examines the principles of applied behavior analysis. Emphasis is placed on definitions, characteristics, and examples or various principles of behavior change. This course partially fulfulls the 5th and 6th Edition Task List educational requirements for Board Certifed Behavior Analysts and/or Licensed Behavior Specialist in Pennsylvania. Thise course requires students to purchase training modules which helps prepare them for the BCBA exam. Students subscribe to the modules and use them throughout several of their ABA courses.

CPSY 567  Autism & Basic Applied Behavior Analysis  3  

This course gives an overview of the characteristcs, assessment strategies, behavioral approaches, and interventions for persons with autism. This course partially fulfills the 5th and 6th Edition Task List educational requirements for Board Certified Behavior Analysts and/or Licensed Behavior Specialist in Pennsylvania. This course requires students to purchase training modules which helps them prepare for the BSBA exam. Students subscribe to the modules and use them throughout several of their ABA courses.

CPSY 568  Behavior Measurement & Treatment Evaluation  3  

This course emphasizes best practices in the implementation of behavioral procedures and experimental strategies and tactics (i.e., times series research design methods) in measurement and treatment evaluation.This course partially fulfulls the 5th and 6th Edition Task educational requirements for Board Certified Behavior Analysts and/or Licensed Behavior Specialist in Pennsylvania. This course requires students to purchase training modules and use them throughout several of their ABA courses.

CPSY 569  Behavior Therapy in Community Setting  3  

This course emphasizes the use of applied behavior analysis in the assessment and treatment of disorders commonly seen in the community setting such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, obesity, addiction, and life crises. (Prerequisite: ABA Concentration or Pre-approved by the Instructor). This course partially fulfills the 5th and 6th Edition Task List educational requirements for Board Certified Behavior Analysts and/or Licensed Behavior Specialist in Pennsylvania.

CPSY 570  Consultation & Positive Behavior Strategies  3  

This course introduces the scientific theory and principles of applied behavior analysis in the context of providing consultation, and behavior, social, and learning support in the schools. Students identify principles of applied behavior analysis and demonstrate consultation skills in behavioral assessment such as conducting functional behavior analysis, monitoring progress, recommending behavior change plans with research-based intervention strategies, and observing and critically reviewing classroom environments and instructional approaches for diverse student populations. Students will be prepared to implement class, school, and systemic behavioral interventions. This course partially fulfills the 5th and 6th Edition Task List educational requirements for Board Certified Behavior Analysts and/or Licensed Behavior Specialist in Pennsylvania. Prerequisites for Students in School Counseling and SchoolPsychology programs: SCSP 500, 503.

Prerequisites: SCSP 500 and SCSP 503  
CPSY 571  SpTop: App Beh Analysis II  3  

This course reviews the major principles of applied behavior analysis. Some of these principles include defining behavior, response and response class, positive and negative reinforcement, positive and negative punishment, schedule of reinforcement and punishment, extinction, stimulus control, respondent conditioning, motivating operation, rule-governed behavior, and verbal operants.

CPSY 572  Organizational Behavior Management  3  

This course emphasizes the use of behavior analytic strategies and tactics in performance analysis and management, supervision, staff training, behavioral systems analysis, organizational culture, and leadership. This course partially fulfills the educational requirements for Board Certified Behavior Analysts and/or Licensed Behavior Analyst and Licensed Professional Counselor.