Guiding Institutional Principles

Mission Statement

The mission of Esperanza College, a Christian college program dedicated to the service of the Hispanic and local communities, is to enhance the knowledge, skills, and outlook of young people and adults so that they can live even more thoughtful, positive, productive, and purposeful lives.

Esperanza College achieves its mission through the integration of faith, reason, and justice and acknowledges the importance of forming this integration within Latino culture in its academic program, in its instruction, and in the learning of its students, in order to:

  1. Develop a Christian worldview that informs intellect, attitude, and behavior.
  2. Sharpen skills of critical thinking, reflection, and analysis, as well as linguistic and communication skills.
  3. Appreciate the sources, values, and contributions of Latino culture; and
  4. Enhance the spiritual, social, and economic well-being of the individual, family, and community

Vision Statement

Esperanza College seeks to provide members of the Hispanic and other local underserved communities a Christian faith-based education that is affordable and culturally appropriate so that they can continue their contributions to and leadership in their communities and become even more effective in their service.

Strategic Direction

Esperanza College of Eastern University (ECEU) will create an environment where students are challenged, inspired, and empowered to achieve their academic and career goals. We are committed to strengthening our students' academic and college life experience by providing quality programs, accessible services and talented and engaged faculty. ECEU will continue to enthusiastically serve the Hispanic and local communities in Philadelphia by maintaining our mission to provide a Christian faith-based education.


A. Scholarship and Teaching

We believe in the unity of God’s truth, whether supernaturally revealed or humanly discovered, and we value the search for knowledge and understanding in all areas of life. We are guided by our faith in Jesus Christ, who is “The way, the truth and the life.”  We value the integration of faith, reason, and justice, and as educators and/or as students we are committed to a critical examination of what we believe, what we learn, and how we live. We value excellence in teaching, self-discipline in learning, and individual accountability to the learning community. We seek through our teaching, learning, and interactions together to develop and model a Christian worldview that is culturally appropriate and that affects the lives of students, their families, and the community and organizations to which they belong.

B. Scripture

We recognize the Bible, composed of the Old and New Testaments, as inspired of God and as the supreme and final authority in faith and life. We submit ourselves to carrying out our mission under its authority and to using biblical principles in all facets of human aspiration and action. Based on our commitment to Scripture and to the God revealed in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we intend for every student to have a meaningful and appropriate opportunity to hear and respond to the call for repentance, faith, and obedience to Jesus Christ.

C. Church

We affirm our conviction that the Church of Jesus Christ, as a visible community of believers inclusive of persons of all cultures, races, and nationalities, is central to faithful obedience in living the Christian life and advancing the work of the Gospel. While valuing the established relationship with the American Baptist Churches, we are committed to developing relationships with other Christian groups and to serving the larger Church in ways appropriate to our mission.

D. Justice

We acknowledge with sorrow the brokenness of the world at personal, national, and international levels, and we seek to work for justice, reconciliation, and Christian transformation in all arenas of life. We particularly seek to work with and for the socially marginalized and economically poorer communities, especially those of Hispanic origin, to provide affordable and locally available educational opportunities to attend a private Christian college.

E. Community

We value the bonds of social interaction that bind us together. We are committed to mutual service and responsibility and to expanding the community by accepting and seeking to understand those who are different—either by race, age, gender, religion, or national origin. We are first committed to deepening our understanding of Latino cultures and communities and then to developing our understanding of the local, regional, national, and global communities and to responsible citizenship in each and all of these communities.

University Mission Statement

Eastern University is a diverse, Christ-centered community preparing graduates to impact the world through faith, reason, and justice.


As a community, Eastern University will Listen. Love. Learn. Lead.

Eastern University’s Core Values

E - Excellence

We strive to achieve the highest standards in serving our community through distinctive academic experiences, student services, and community life.

A - Authenticity

We live with integrity and honesty, upholding the highest ethical standards as we seek to honor God with our lives, relationships, and work.

S - Stewardship

We treat our resources as gifts God has entrusted to us, including our earth, environment, facilities, and finances.

T - Thoughtfulness

Inspired by our commitment to truth, we think deeply, holistically, and critically about the world God has given us, benefiting from the insights offered by each individual in our rich learning community.

E - Enthusiasm

Anchored by our hope and joy in Christ, we approach each situation with optimism, working toward favorable outcomes, and celebrating our successes.

R- Relationships

With an attitude of humility and kindness, we honor and respect the dignity of each individual, promoting community, working to bring reconciliation to broken relationships, and championing diversity, equity, and belonging.

N - iNnovation

Promoting accessibility and affordability, we seek new and more effective approaches to education, exercising creativity to chart inventive paths forward into the future.